This documentation is for an older version (1.4.7) of Dagster. You can view the version of this page from our latest release below.
Generates ops for interacting with GE.
name (str) – the name of the op
datasource_name (str) – the name of your DataSource, see your great_expectations.yml
suite_name (str) – the name of your expectation suite, see your great_expectations.yml
validation_operator_name (Optional[str]) – what validation operator to run – defaults to None, which generates an ephemeral validator. If you want to save data docs, use ‘action_list_operator’. See
input_dagster_type (DagsterType) – the Dagster type used to type check the input to the op. Defaults to dagster_pandas.DataFrame.
batch_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – overrides the batch_kwargs parameter when calling the ge_data_context’s get_batch method. Defaults to {“dataset”: dataset}, where dataset is the input to the generated op.
An op that takes in a set of data and yields both an expectation with relevant metadata and an output with all the metadata (for user processing)