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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.reconstruct

import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias

import dagster._check as check
import dagster._seven as seven
from dagster._annotations import experimental
from dagster._core.code_pointer import (
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvariantViolationError
from dagster._core.origin import (
from dagster._serdes import pack_value, unpack_value, whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster._serdes.serdes import NamedTupleSerializer
from dagster._utils import hash_collection

from .events import AssetKey
from .job_base import IJob

    from dagster._core.definitions.assets import AssetsDefinition
    from dagster._core.definitions.job_definition import JobDefinition
    from dagster._core.definitions.repository_definition import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.source_asset import SourceAsset

    from .graph_definition import GraphDefinition
    from .repository_definition import RepositoryDefinition

def get_ephemeral_repository_name(job_name: str) -> str:
    check.str_param(job_name, "job_name")
    return f"__repository__{job_name}"

class ReconstructableRepository(
            ("pointer", CodePointer),
            ("container_image", Optional[str]),
            ("executable_path", Optional[str]),
            ("entry_point", Sequence[str]),
            ("container_context", Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]),
            ("repository_load_data", Optional["RepositoryLoadData"]),
    def __new__(
        pointer: CodePointer,
        container_image: Optional[str] = None,
        executable_path: Optional[str] = None,
        entry_point: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
        container_context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None,
        from dagster._core.definitions.repository_definition import RepositoryLoadData

        return super(ReconstructableRepository, cls).__new__(
            pointer=check.inst_param(pointer, "pointer", CodePointer),
            container_image=check.opt_str_param(container_image, "container_image"),
            executable_path=check.opt_str_param(executable_path, "executable_path"),
                check.sequence_param(entry_point, "entry_point", of_type=str)
                if entry_point is not None
                else DEFAULT_DAGSTER_ENTRY_POINT
                check.mapping_param(container_context, "container_context")
                if container_context is not None
                else None
                repository_load_data, "repository_load_data", RepositoryLoadData

    def with_repository_load_data(
        self, metadata: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"]
    ) -> "ReconstructableRepository":
        return self._replace(repository_load_data=metadata)

    def get_definition(self) -> "RepositoryDefinition":
        return repository_def_from_pointer(self.pointer, self.repository_load_data)

    def get_reconstructable_job(self, name: str) -> "ReconstructableJob":
        return ReconstructableJob(self, name)

    def for_file(
        file: str,
        fn_name: str,
        working_directory: Optional[str] = None,
        container_image: Optional[str] = None,
        container_context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> "ReconstructableRepository":
        if not working_directory:
            working_directory = os.getcwd()
        return cls(
            FileCodePointer(file, fn_name, working_directory),

    def for_module(
        module: str,
        fn_name: str,
        working_directory: Optional[str] = None,
        container_image: Optional[str] = None,
        container_context: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> "ReconstructableRepository":
        return cls(
            ModuleCodePointer(module, fn_name, working_directory),

    def get_python_origin(self) -> RepositoryPythonOrigin:
        return RepositoryPythonOrigin(
            executable_path=self.executable_path if self.executable_path else sys.executable,

    def get_python_origin_id(self) -> str:
        return self.get_python_origin().get_id()

    # Allow this to be hashed for use in `lru_cache`. This is needed because:
    # - `ReconstructableJob` uses `lru_cache`
    # - `ReconstructableJob` has a `ReconstructableRepository` attribute
    # - `ReconstructableRepository` has `Sequence` attributes that are unhashable by default
    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        if not hasattr(self, "_hash"):
            self._hash = hash_collection(self)
        return self._hash

class ReconstructableJobSerializer(NamedTupleSerializer):
    def before_unpack(self, _, unpacked_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        solid_selection_str = unpacked_dict.get("solid_selection_str")
        solids_to_execute = unpacked_dict.get("solids_to_execute")
        if solid_selection_str:
            unpacked_dict["op_selection"] = json.loads(solid_selection_str)
        elif solids_to_execute:
            unpacked_dict["op_selection"] = solids_to_execute
        return unpacked_dict

    def after_pack(self, **packed_dict: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if packed_dict["op_selection"]:
            packed_dict["solid_selection_str"] = json.dumps(packed_dict["op_selection"]["__set__"])
            packed_dict["solid_selection_str"] = None
        del packed_dict["op_selection"]
        return packed_dict

        "job_name": "pipeline_name",
class ReconstructableJob(
            ("repository", ReconstructableRepository),
            ("job_name", str),
            ("op_selection", Optional[AbstractSet[str]]),
            ("asset_selection", Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]]),
    """Defines a reconstructable job. When your job must cross process boundaries, Dagster must know
    how to reconstruct the job on the other side of the process boundary.

        repository (ReconstructableRepository): The reconstructable representation of the repository
            the job belongs to.
        job_name (str): The name of the job.
        op_selection (Optional[AbstractSet[str]]): A set of op query strings. Ops matching any of
            these queries will be selected. None if no selection is specified.
        asset_selection (Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]]) A set of assets to execute. None if no selection
            is specified, i.e. the entire job will be run.

    def __new__(
        repository: ReconstructableRepository,
        job_name: str,
        op_selection: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]] = None,
        op_selection = set(op_selection) if op_selection else None
        return super(ReconstructableJob, cls).__new__(
            repository=check.inst_param(repository, "repository", ReconstructableRepository),
            job_name=check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"),
            op_selection=check.opt_nullable_set_param(op_selection, "op_selection", of_type=str),
                asset_selection, "asset_selection", AssetKey

    def with_repository_load_data(
        self, metadata: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"]
    ) -> "ReconstructableJob":
        return self._replace(repository=self.repository.with_repository_load_data(metadata))

    # Keep the most recent 1 definition (globally since this is a NamedTuple method)
    # This allows repeated calls to get_definition in execution paths to not reload the job
    def get_definition(self) -> "JobDefinition":
        return self.repository.get_definition().get_maybe_subset_job_def(

    def get_reconstructable_repository(self) -> ReconstructableRepository:
        return self.repository

    def get_subset(
        op_selection: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]] = None,
    ) -> Self:
        if op_selection and asset_selection:
                "op_selection and asset_selection cannot both be provided as arguments",
        op_selection = set(op_selection) if op_selection else None
        return ReconstructableJob(

    def describe(self) -> str:
        return '"{name}" in repository ({repo})'.format(
            repo=self.repository.pointer.describe, name=self.job_name

    def for_file(python_file: str, fn_name: str) -> "ReconstructableJob":
        return bootstrap_standalone_recon_job(FileCodePointer(python_file, fn_name, os.getcwd()))

    def for_module(module: str, fn_name: str) -> "ReconstructableJob":
        return bootstrap_standalone_recon_job(ModuleCodePointer(module, fn_name, os.getcwd()))

    def to_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, object]:
        return pack_value(self)

    def from_dict(val: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "ReconstructableJob":
        check.mapping_param(val, "val")

        inst = unpack_value(val)
            isinstance(inst, ReconstructableJob),
            "Deserialized object is not instance of ReconstructableJob, got {type}".format(
        return inst  # type: ignore  # (illegible runtime check)

    def get_python_origin(self) -> JobPythonOrigin:
        return JobPythonOrigin(self.job_name, self.repository.get_python_origin())

    def get_python_origin_id(self) -> str:
        return self.get_python_origin().get_id()

    def get_module(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return the module the job is found in, the origin is a module code pointer."""
        pointer = self.get_python_origin().get_repo_pointer()
        if isinstance(pointer, ModuleCodePointer):
            return pointer.module

        return None

    # Allow this to be hashed for `lru_cache` in `get_definition`
    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        if not hasattr(self, "_hash"):
            self._hash = hash_collection(self)
        return self._hash

[docs]def reconstructable(target: Callable[..., "JobDefinition"]) -> ReconstructableJob: """Create a :py:class:`~dagster._core.definitions.reconstructable.ReconstructableJob` from a function that returns a :py:class:`~dagster.JobDefinition`/:py:class:`~dagster.JobDefinition`, or a function decorated with :py:func:`@job <dagster.job>`. When your job must cross process boundaries, e.g., for execution on multiple nodes or in different systems (like ``dagstermill``), Dagster must know how to reconstruct the job on the other side of the process boundary. Passing a job created with ``~dagster.GraphDefinition.to_job`` to ``reconstructable()``, requires you to wrap that job's definition in a module-scoped function, and pass that function instead: .. code-block:: python from dagster import graph, reconstructable @graph def my_graph(): ... def define_my_job(): return my_graph.to_job() reconstructable(define_my_job) This function implements a very conservative strategy for reconstruction, so that its behavior is easy to predict, but as a consequence it is not able to reconstruct certain kinds of jobs or jobs, such as those defined by lambdas, in nested scopes (e.g., dynamically within a method call), or in interactive environments such as the Python REPL or Jupyter notebooks. If you need to reconstruct objects constructed in these ways, you should use :py:func:`~dagster.reconstructable.build_reconstructable_job` instead, which allows you to specify your own reconstruction strategy. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster import job, reconstructable @job def foo_job(): ... reconstructable_foo_job = reconstructable(foo_job) @graph def foo(): ... def make_bar_job(): return foo.to_job() reconstructable_bar_job = reconstructable(make_bar_job) """ from dagster._core.definitions import JobDefinition if not seven.is_function_or_decorator_instance_of(target, JobDefinition): if isinstance(target, JobDefinition): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Reconstructable target was not a function returning a job definition, or a job " "definition produced by a decorated function. If your job was constructed using " "``GraphDefinition.to_job``, you must wrap the ``to_job`` call in a function at " "module scope, ie not within any other functions. " "To learn more, check out the docs on ``reconstructable``: " "" ) raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Reconstructable target should be a function or definition produced " "by a decorated function, got {type}.".format(type=type(target)), ) if seven.is_lambda(target): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Reconstructable target can not be a lambda. Use a function or " "decorated function defined at module scope instead, or use " "build_reconstructable_job." ) if seven.qualname_differs(target): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( 'Reconstructable target "{target.__name__}" has a different ' '__qualname__ "{target.__qualname__}" indicating it is not ' "defined at module scope. Use a function or decorated function " "defined at module scope instead, or use build_reconstructable_job.".format( target=target ) ) try: if ( hasattr(target, "__module__") and hasattr(target, "__name__") and getattr(inspect.getmodule(target), "__name__", None) != "__main__" ): return ReconstructableJob.for_module(target.__module__, target.__name__) except: pass python_file = get_python_file_from_target(target) if not python_file: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "reconstructable() can not reconstruct jobs defined in interactive " "environments like <stdin>, IPython, or Jupyter notebooks. " "Use a job defined in a module or file instead, or use build_reconstructable_job." ) pointer = FileCodePointer( python_file=python_file, fn_name=target.__name__, working_directory=os.getcwd() ) return bootstrap_standalone_recon_job(pointer)
[docs]@experimental def build_reconstructable_job( reconstructor_module_name: str, reconstructor_function_name: str, reconstructable_args: Optional[Tuple[object]] = None, reconstructable_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None, reconstructor_working_directory: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ReconstructableJob: """Create a :py:class:`dagster._core.definitions.reconstructable.ReconstructableJob`. When your job must cross process boundaries, e.g., for execution on multiple nodes or in different systems (like ``dagstermill``), Dagster must know how to reconstruct the job on the other side of the process boundary. This function allows you to use the strategy of your choice for reconstructing jobs, so that you can reconstruct certain kinds of jobs that are not supported by :py:func:`~dagster.reconstructable`, such as those defined by lambdas, in nested scopes (e.g., dynamically within a method call), or in interactive environments such as the Python REPL or Jupyter notebooks. If you need to reconstruct jobs constructed in these ways, use this function instead of :py:func:`~dagster.reconstructable`. Args: reconstructor_module_name (str): The name of the module containing the function to use to reconstruct the job. reconstructor_function_name (str): The name of the function to use to reconstruct the job. reconstructable_args (Tuple): Args to the function to use to reconstruct the job. Values of the tuple must be JSON serializable. reconstructable_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Kwargs to the function to use to reconstruct the job. Values of the dict must be JSON serializable. Examples: .. code-block:: python # module: mymodule from dagster import JobDefinition, job, build_reconstructable_job class JobFactory: def make_job(*args, **kwargs): @job def _job(...): ... return _job def reconstruct_job(*args): factory = JobFactory() return factory.make_job(*args) factory = JobFactory() foo_job_args = (...,...) foo_job_kwargs = {...:...} foo_job = factory.make_job(*foo_job_args, **foo_job_kwargs) reconstructable_foo_job = build_reconstructable_job( 'mymodule', 'reconstruct_job', foo_job_args, foo_job_kwargs, ) """ check.str_param(reconstructor_module_name, "reconstructor_module_name") check.str_param(reconstructor_function_name, "reconstructor_function_name") check.opt_str_param( reconstructor_working_directory, "reconstructor_working_directory", os.getcwd() ) _reconstructable_args: List[object] = list( check.opt_tuple_param(reconstructable_args, "reconstructable_args") ) _reconstructable_kwargs: List[List[Union[str, object]]] = list( ( [key, value] for key, value in check.opt_mapping_param( reconstructable_kwargs, "reconstructable_kwargs", key_type=str ).items() ) ) reconstructor_pointer = ModuleCodePointer( reconstructor_module_name, reconstructor_function_name, working_directory=reconstructor_working_directory, ) pointer = CustomPointer(reconstructor_pointer, _reconstructable_args, _reconstructable_kwargs) job_def = job_def_from_pointer(pointer) return ReconstructableJob( repository=ReconstructableRepository(pointer), # creates ephemeral repo, )
def bootstrap_standalone_recon_job(pointer: CodePointer) -> ReconstructableJob: # So this actually straps the the job for the sole # purpose of getting the job name. If we changed ReconstructableJob # to get the job on demand in order to get name, we could avoid this. job_def = job_def_from_pointer(pointer) return ReconstructableJob( repository=ReconstructableRepository(pointer), # creates ephemeral repo, ) LoadableDefinition: TypeAlias = Union[ "JobDefinition", "RepositoryDefinition", "PendingRepositoryDefinition", "GraphDefinition", "Sequence[Union[AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset]]", ] T_LoadableDefinition = TypeVar("T_LoadableDefinition", bound=LoadableDefinition) def _is_list_of_assets( definition: LoadableDefinition, ) -> bool: from dagster._core.definitions.assets import AssetsDefinition from dagster._core.definitions.source_asset import SourceAsset return isinstance(definition, list) and all( isinstance(item, (AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset)) for item in definition ) def _check_is_loadable(definition: T_LoadableDefinition) -> T_LoadableDefinition: from .definitions_class import Definitions from .graph_definition import GraphDefinition from .job_definition import JobDefinition from .repository_definition import PendingRepositoryDefinition, RepositoryDefinition if not ( isinstance( definition, ( JobDefinition, RepositoryDefinition, PendingRepositoryDefinition, GraphDefinition, Definitions, ), ) or _is_list_of_assets(definition) ): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Loadable attributes must be either a JobDefinition, GraphDefinition, " f"or RepositoryDefinition. Got {definition!r}." ) return definition def load_def_in_module( module_name: str, attribute: str, working_directory: Optional[str] ) -> LoadableDefinition: return def_from_pointer(CodePointer.from_module(module_name, attribute, working_directory)) def load_def_in_package( package_name: str, attribute: str, working_directory: Optional[str] ) -> LoadableDefinition: return def_from_pointer( CodePointer.from_python_package(package_name, attribute, working_directory) ) def load_def_in_python_file( python_file: str, attribute: str, working_directory: Optional[str] ) -> LoadableDefinition: return def_from_pointer(CodePointer.from_python_file(python_file, attribute, working_directory)) def def_from_pointer( pointer: CodePointer, ) -> LoadableDefinition: target = pointer.load_target() from .graph_definition import GraphDefinition from .job_definition import JobDefinition from .repository_definition import PendingRepositoryDefinition, RepositoryDefinition if isinstance( target, ( GraphDefinition, JobDefinition, PendingRepositoryDefinition, RepositoryDefinition, ), ) or not callable(target): return _check_is_loadable(target) # type: ignore # if its a function invoke it - otherwise we are pointing to a # artifact in module scope, likely decorator output if seven.get_arg_names(target): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Error invoking function at {target} with no arguments. " "Reconstructable target must be callable with no arguments".format( target=pointer.describe() ) ) return _check_is_loadable(target()) def job_def_from_pointer(pointer: CodePointer) -> "JobDefinition": from .job_definition import JobDefinition target = def_from_pointer(pointer) if isinstance(target, JobDefinition): return target raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "CodePointer ({str}) must resolve to a JobDefinition (or JobDefinition for legacy" " code). Received a {type}".format(str=pointer.describe(), type=type(target)) ) @overload def repository_def_from_target_def( target: Union["RepositoryDefinition", "JobDefinition", "GraphDefinition"], repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None, ) -> "RepositoryDefinition": ... @overload def repository_def_from_target_def( target: object, repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None ) -> None: ... def repository_def_from_target_def( target: object, repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None ) -> Optional["RepositoryDefinition"]: from .assets import AssetsDefinition from .definitions_class import Definitions from .graph_definition import GraphDefinition from .job_definition import JobDefinition from .repository_definition import ( SINGLETON_REPOSITORY_NAME, CachingRepositoryData, PendingRepositoryDefinition, RepositoryDefinition, ) from .source_asset import SourceAsset if isinstance(target, Definitions): # reassign to handle both repository and pending repo case target = target.get_inner_repository_for_loading_process() # special case - we can wrap a single job in a repository if isinstance(target, (JobDefinition, GraphDefinition)): # consider including job name in generated repo name return RepositoryDefinition( name=get_ephemeral_repository_name(, repository_data=CachingRepositoryData.from_list([target]), ) elif isinstance(target, list) and all( isinstance(item, (AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset)) for item in target ): return RepositoryDefinition( name=SINGLETON_REPOSITORY_NAME, repository_data=CachingRepositoryData.from_list(target), ) elif isinstance(target, RepositoryDefinition): return target elif isinstance(target, PendingRepositoryDefinition): # must load repository from scratch if repository_load_data is None: return target.compute_repository_definition() # can use the cached data to more efficiently load data return target.reconstruct_repository_definition(repository_load_data) else: return None def repository_def_from_pointer( pointer: CodePointer, repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None ) -> "RepositoryDefinition": target = def_from_pointer(pointer) repo_def = repository_def_from_target_def(target, repository_load_data) if not repo_def: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "CodePointer ({str}) must resolve to a " "RepositoryDefinition, JobDefinition, or JobDefinition. " "Received a {type}".format(str=pointer.describe(), type=type(target)) ) return repo_def