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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.utils

import keyword
import os
import re
from glob import glob
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, cast

import yaml

import dagster._check as check
import dagster._seven as seven
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidDefinitionError, DagsterInvariantViolationError
from import check_reserved_tags
from dagster._utils.yaml_utils import merge_yaml_strings, merge_yamls

DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME = "default"  # asset group_name used when none is provided

    + list(keyword.kwlist)  # just disallow all python keywords

VALID_NAME_REGEX_STR = r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$"

class NoValueSentinel:
    """Sentinel value to distinguish unset from None."""

def has_valid_name_chars(name: str) -> bool:
    return bool(VALID_NAME_REGEX.match(name))

def check_valid_name(name: str, allow_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str:
    check.str_param(name, "name")

    if allow_list and name in allow_list:
        return name

    if name in DISALLOWED_NAMES:
        raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
            f'"{name}" is not a valid name in Dagster. It conflicts with a Dagster or python'
            " reserved keyword."


    return name

def check_valid_chars(name: str):
    if not has_valid_name_chars(name):
        raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
            f'"{name}" is not a valid name in Dagster. Names must be in regex'
            f" {VALID_NAME_REGEX_STR}."

def is_valid_name(name: str) -> bool:
    check.str_param(name, "name")

    return name not in DISALLOWED_NAMES and has_valid_name_chars(name)

def _kv_str(key: object, value: object) -> str:
    return f'{key}="{value!r}"'

def struct_to_string(name: str, **kwargs: object) -> str:
    # Sort the kwargs to ensure consistent representations across Python versions
    props_str = ", ".join([_kv_str(key, value) for key, value in sorted(kwargs.items())])
    return f"{name}({props_str})"

def validate_tags(
    tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], allow_reserved_tags: bool = True
) -> Mapping[str, str]:
    valid_tags: Dict[str, str] = {}
    for key, value in check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str).items():
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            valid = False
            err_reason = f'Could not JSON encode value "{value}"'
            str_val = None
                str_val = seven.json.dumps(value)
                err_reason = (
                    'JSON encoding "{json}" of value "{val}" is not equivalent to original value'
                    .format(json=str_val, val=value)

                valid = seven.json.loads(str_val) == value
            except Exception:

            if not valid:
                raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError(
                    'Invalid value for tag "{key}", {err_reason}. Tag values must be strings '
                    "or meet the constraint that json.loads(json.dumps(value)) == value.".format(
                        key=key, err_reason=err_reason

            valid_tags[key] = str_val  # type: ignore  # (possible none)
            valid_tags[key] = value

    if not allow_reserved_tags:

    return valid_tags

def validate_group_name(group_name: Optional[str]) -> str:
    """Ensures a string name is valid and returns a default if no name provided."""
    if group_name:
        return group_name

[docs]def config_from_files(config_files: Sequence[str]) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Constructs run config from YAML files. Args: config_files (List[str]): List of paths or glob patterns for yaml files to load and parse as the run config. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A run config dictionary constructed from provided YAML files. Raises: FileNotFoundError: When a config file produces no results DagsterInvariantViolationError: When one of the YAML files is invalid and has a parse error. """ config_files = check.opt_sequence_param(config_files, "config_files") filenames = [] for file_glob in config_files or []: globbed_files = glob(file_glob) if not globbed_files: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( 'File or glob pattern "{file_glob}" for "config_files" produced no results.'.format( file_glob=file_glob ) ) filenames += [os.path.realpath(globbed_file) for globbed_file in globbed_files] try: run_config = merge_yamls(filenames) except yaml.YAMLError as err: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Encountered error attempting to parse yaml. Parsing files {filenames} " f"loaded by file/patterns {config_files}." ) from err return check.is_dict(cast(Dict[str, object], run_config), key_type=str)
[docs]def config_from_yaml_strings(yaml_strings: Sequence[str]) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Static constructor for run configs from YAML strings. Args: yaml_strings (List[str]): List of yaml strings to parse as the run config. Returns: Dict[Str, Any]: A run config dictionary constructed from the provided yaml strings Raises: DagsterInvariantViolationError: When one of the YAML documents is invalid and has a parse error. """ yaml_strings = check.sequence_param(yaml_strings, "yaml_strings", of_type=str) try: run_config = merge_yaml_strings(yaml_strings) except yaml.YAMLError as err: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Encountered error attempting to parse yaml. Parsing YAMLs {yaml_strings} " ) from err return check.is_dict(cast(Dict[str, object], run_config), key_type=str)
[docs]def config_from_pkg_resources(pkg_resource_defs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Load a run config from a package resource, using :py:func:`pkg_resources.resource_string`. Example: .. code-block:: python config_from_pkg_resources( pkg_resource_defs=[ ('dagster_examples.airline_demo.environments', 'local_base.yaml'), ('dagster_examples.airline_demo.environments', 'local_warehouse.yaml'), ], ) Args: pkg_resource_defs (List[(str, str)]): List of pkg_resource modules/files to load as the run config. Returns: Dict[Str, Any]: A run config dictionary constructed from the provided yaml strings Raises: DagsterInvariantViolationError: When one of the YAML documents is invalid and has a parse error. """ import pkg_resources # expensive, import only on use pkg_resource_defs = check.sequence_param(pkg_resource_defs, "pkg_resource_defs", of_type=tuple) try: yaml_strings = [ pkg_resources.resource_string(*pkg_resource_def).decode("utf-8") for pkg_resource_def in pkg_resource_defs ] except (ModuleNotFoundError, FileNotFoundError, UnicodeDecodeError) as err: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Encountered error attempting to parse yaml. Loading YAMLs from " f"package resources {pkg_resource_defs}." ) from err return config_from_yaml_strings(yaml_strings=yaml_strings)