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Source code for

from typing import Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr, public
from import AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation
from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType
from dagster._core.utils import coerce_valid_log_level
from dagster._serdes.serdes import (
from dagster._utils.error import SerializableErrorInfo
from dagster._utils.log import (

[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes( # These were originally distinguished from each other but ended up being empty subclasses # of EventLogEntry -- instead of using the subclasses we were relying on # EventLogEntry.is_dagster_event to distinguish events that originate in the logging # machinery from events that are yielded by user code old_storage_names={"DagsterEventRecord", "LogMessageRecord", "EventRecord"}, old_fields={"message": ""}, storage_field_names={"job_name": "pipeline_name"}, ) class EventLogEntry( NamedTuple( "_EventLogEntry", [ ("error_info", PublicAttr[Optional[SerializableErrorInfo]]), ("level", PublicAttr[Union[str, int]]), ("user_message", PublicAttr[str]), ("run_id", PublicAttr[str]), ("timestamp", PublicAttr[float]), ("step_key", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ("job_name", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ("dagster_event", PublicAttr[Optional[DagsterEvent]]), ], ) ): """Entries in the event log. Users should not instantiate this object directly. These entries may originate from the logging machinery (DagsterLogManager/context.log), from framework events (e.g. EngineEvent), or they may correspond to events yielded by user code (e.g. Output). Args: error_info (Optional[SerializableErrorInfo]): Error info for an associated exception, if any, as generated by serializable_error_info_from_exc_info and friends. level (Union[str, int]): The Python log level at which to log this event. Note that framework and user code events are also logged to Python logging. This value may be an integer or a (case-insensitive) string member of PYTHON_LOGGING_LEVELS_NAMES. user_message (str): For log messages, this is the user-generated message. run_id (str): The id of the run which generated this event. timestamp (float): The Unix timestamp of this event. step_key (Optional[str]): The step key for the step which generated this event. Some events are generated outside of a step context. job_name (Optional[str]): The job which generated this event. Some events are generated outside of a job context. dagster_event (Optional[DagsterEvent]): For framework and user events, the associated structured event. """ def __new__( cls, error_info, level, user_message, run_id, timestamp, step_key=None, job_name=None, dagster_event=None, ): return super(EventLogEntry, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_inst_param(error_info, "error_info", SerializableErrorInfo), coerce_valid_log_level(level), check.str_param(user_message, "user_message"), check.str_param(run_id, "run_id"), check.float_param(timestamp, "timestamp"), check.opt_str_param(step_key, "step_key"), check.opt_str_param(job_name, "job_name"), check.opt_inst_param(dagster_event, "dagster_event", DagsterEvent), ) @public @property def is_dagster_event(self) -> bool: """bool: If this entry contains a DagsterEvent.""" return bool(self.dagster_event)
[docs] @public def get_dagster_event(self) -> DagsterEvent: """DagsterEvent: Returns the DagsterEvent contained within this entry. If this entry does not contain a DagsterEvent, an error will be raised. """ if not isinstance(self.dagster_event, DagsterEvent): check.failed( "Not a dagster event, check is_dagster_event before calling get_dagster_event", ) return self.dagster_event
def to_json(self): return serialize_value(self) @staticmethod def from_json(json_str: str): return deserialize_value(json_str, EventLogEntry) @public @property def dagster_event_type(self) -> Optional[DagsterEventType]: """Optional[DagsterEventType]: The type of the DagsterEvent contained by this entry, if any.""" return self.dagster_event.event_type if self.dagster_event else None @public @property def message(self) -> str: """Return the message from the structured DagsterEvent if present, fallback to user_message.""" if self.is_dagster_event: msg = self.get_dagster_event().message if msg is not None: return msg return self.user_message @property def asset_materialization(self) -> Optional[AssetMaterialization]: if ( self.dagster_event and self.dagster_event.event_type_value == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION ): materialization = self.dagster_event.step_materialization_data.materialization if isinstance(materialization, AssetMaterialization): return materialization return None @property def asset_observation(self) -> Optional[AssetObservation]: if ( self.dagster_event and self.dagster_event.event_type_value == DagsterEventType.ASSET_OBSERVATION ): observation = self.dagster_event.asset_observation_data.asset_observation if isinstance(observation, AssetObservation): return observation return None @property def tags(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, str]]: materialization = self.asset_materialization if materialization: return materialization.tags observation = self.asset_observation if observation: return observation.tags return None
def construct_event_record(logger_message: StructuredLoggerMessage) -> EventLogEntry: check.inst_param(logger_message, "logger_message", StructuredLoggerMessage) return EventLogEntry( level=logger_message.level, user_message=logger_message.meta["orig_message"], run_id=logger_message.meta["run_id"], timestamp=logger_message.record.created, step_key=logger_message.meta.get("step_key"), job_name=logger_message.meta.get("job_name"), dagster_event=logger_message.meta.get("dagster_event"), error_info=None, ) def construct_event_logger(event_record_callback): """Callback receives a stream of event_records. Piggybacks on the logging machinery.""" check.callable_param(event_record_callback, "event_record_callback") return construct_single_handler_logger( "event-logger", "debug", StructuredLoggerHandler( lambda logger_message: event_record_callback(construct_event_record(logger_message)) ), ) def construct_json_event_logger(json_path): """Record a stream of event records to json.""" check.str_param(json_path, "json_path") return construct_single_handler_logger( "json-event-record-logger", "debug", JsonEventLoggerHandler( json_path, lambda record: construct_event_record( StructuredLoggerMessage(, message=record.msg, level=record.levelno, meta=record.dagster_meta, record=record, ) ), ), )