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Source code for dagster._core.execution.job_execution_result

from typing import Any, Sequence

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import public
from dagster._core.definitions import JobDefinition, NodeHandle
from dagster._core.definitions.utils import DEFAULT_OUTPUT
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvariantViolationError
from import DagsterEvent
from dagster._core.execution.plan.utils import build_resources_for_manager
from import DagsterRun

from .execution_result import ExecutionResult

[docs]class JobExecutionResult(ExecutionResult): """Result object returned by :py:func:`dagster.execute_job`. Used for retrieving run success, events, and outputs from `execute_job`. Users should not directly instantiate this class. Events and run information can be retrieved off of the object directly. In order to access outputs, the `ExecuteJobResult` object needs to be opened as a context manager, which will re-initialize the resources from execution. """ def __init__(self, job_def, reconstruct_context, event_list, dagster_run): self._job_def = job_def self._reconstruct_context = reconstruct_context self._context = None self._event_list = event_list self._dagster_run = dagster_run def __enter__(self) -> "JobExecutionResult": context = self._reconstruct_context.__enter__() self._context = context return self def __exit__(self, *exc): exit_result = self._reconstruct_context.__exit__(*exc) self._context = None return exit_result @public @property def job_def(self) -> JobDefinition: """JobDefinition: The job definition that was executed.""" return self._job_def @public @property def dagster_run(self) -> DagsterRun: """DagsterRun: The Dagster run that was executed.""" return self._dagster_run @public @property def all_events(self) -> Sequence[DagsterEvent]: """Sequence[DagsterEvent]: List of all events yielded by the job execution.""" return self._event_list @public @property def run_id(self) -> str: """str: The id of the Dagster run that was executed.""" return self.dagster_run.run_id
[docs] @public def output_value(self, output_name: str = DEFAULT_OUTPUT) -> Any: """Retrieves output of top-level job, if an output is returned. In order to use this method, the `ExecuteJobResult` object must be opened as a context manager. If this method is used without opening the context manager, it will result in a :py:class:`DagsterInvariantViolationError`. If the top-level job has no output, calling this method will also result in a :py:class:`DagsterInvariantViolationError`. Args: output_name (Optional[str]): The name of the output to retrieve. Defaults to `result`, the default output name in dagster. Returns: Any: The value of the retrieved output. """ return super(JobExecutionResult, self).output_value(output_name=output_name)
[docs] @public def output_for_node(self, node_str: str, output_name: str = DEFAULT_OUTPUT) -> Any: """Retrieves output value with a particular name from the run of the job. In order to use this method, the `ExecuteJobResult` object must be opened as a context manager. If this method is used without opening the context manager, it will result in a :py:class:`DagsterInvariantViolationError`. Args: node_str (str): Name of the op/graph whose output should be retrieved. If the intended graph/op is nested within another graph, the syntax is `outer_graph.inner_node`. output_name (Optional[str]): Name of the output on the op/graph to retrieve. Defaults to `result`, the default output name in dagster. Returns: Any: The value of the retrieved output. """ return super(JobExecutionResult, self).output_for_node(node_str, output_name=output_name)
def _get_output_for_handle(self, handle: NodeHandle, output_name: str) -> Any: if not self._context: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "In order to access output objects, the result of `execute_job` must be opened as a" " context manager: 'with execute_job(...) as result:" ) found = False result = None for compute_step_event in self.compute_events_for_handle(handle): if ( compute_step_event.is_successful_output and compute_step_event.step_output_data.output_name == output_name ): found = True output = compute_step_event.step_output_data step = self._context.execution_plan.get_step_by_key(compute_step_event.step_key) dagster_type = ( self.job_def.get_node(handle).output_def_named(output_name).dagster_type ) value = self._get_value(self._context.for_step(step), output, dagster_type) check.invariant( not (output.mapping_key and step.get_mapping_key()), "Not set up to handle mapped outputs downstream of mapped steps", ) mapping_key = output.mapping_key or step.get_mapping_key() if mapping_key: if result is None: result = {mapping_key: value} else: result[mapping_key] = ( value # pylint:disable=unsupported-assignment-operation ) else: result = value if found: return result node = self.job_def.get_node(handle) raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Did not find result {output_name} in {node.describe_node()}" ) def _get_value(self, context, step_output_data, dagster_type): step_output_handle = step_output_data.step_output_handle manager = context.get_io_manager(step_output_handle) manager_key = context.execution_plan.get_manager_key(step_output_handle, self.job_def) res = manager.load_input( context.for_input_manager( name=None, config=None, metadata=None, dagster_type=dagster_type, source_handle=step_output_handle, resource_config=context.resolved_run_config.resources[manager_key].config, resources=build_resources_for_manager(manager_key, context), ) ) return res