This documentation is for an older version (1.4.7) of Dagster. You can view the version of this page from our latest release below.
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, cast
from dagster import _check as check
from dagster._core.execution.build_resources import wrap_resources_for_execution
from dagster._utils.merger import merge_dicts
from ..._config import Shape
from ..definitions.resource_requirement import ResourceAddable
from ..definitions.utils import DEFAULT_IO_MANAGER_KEY
from ..errors import DagsterInvalidConfigError, DagsterInvalidInvocationError
T = TypeVar("T", bound=ResourceAddable)
[docs]def with_resources(
definitions: Iterable[T],
resource_defs: Mapping[str, object],
resource_config_by_key: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Sequence[T]:
"""Adds dagster resources to copies of resource-requiring dagster definitions.
An error will be thrown if any provided definitions have a conflicting
resource definition provided for a key provided to resource_defs. Resource
config can be provided, with keys in the config dictionary corresponding to
the keys for each resource definition. If any definition has unsatisfied
resource keys after applying with_resources, an error will be thrown.
definitions (Iterable[ResourceAddable]): Dagster definitions to provide resources to.
resource_defs (Mapping[str, object]):
Mapping of resource keys to objects to satisfy
resource requirements of provided dagster definitions.
resource_config_by_key (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]):
Specifies config for provided resources. The key in this dictionary
corresponds to configuring the same key in the resource_defs
.. code-block:: python
from dagster import asset, resource, with_resources
@resource(config_schema={"bar": str})
def foo_resource():
def asset1(context):
foo =
def asset2(context):
foo =
asset1_with_foo, asset2_with_foo = with_resources(
[the_asset, other_asset],
"foo": {
"config": {"bar": ...}
from dagster._config import validate_config
from dagster._core.definitions.job_definition import (
check.mapping_param(resource_defs, "resource_defs")
resource_config_by_key = check.opt_mapping_param(
resource_config_by_key, "resource_config_by_key"
resource_defs = wrap_resources_for_execution(
{DEFAULT_IO_MANAGER_KEY: default_job_io_manager_with_fs_io_manager_schema},
for key, resource_def in resource_defs.items():
if key in resource_config_by_key:
resource_config = resource_config_by_key[key]
if not isinstance(resource_config, dict) or "config" not in resource_config:
raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError(
f"Error with config for resource key '{key}': Expected a "
"dictionary of the form {'config': ...}, but received "
outer_config_shape = Shape({"config": resource_def.get_config_field()})
config_evr = validate_config(outer_config_shape, resource_config)
if not config_evr.success:
raise DagsterInvalidConfigError(
f"Error when applying config for resource with key '{key}' ",
resource_defs[key] = resource_defs[key].configured(resource_config["config"])
transformed_defs: List[T] = []
for definition in definitions:
transformed_defs.append(cast(T, definition.with_resources(resource_defs)))
return transformed_defs