This documentation is for an older version (1.4.7) of Dagster. You can view the version of this page from our latest release below.
import abc
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set
from dagster import AssetKey
from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_condition import AutoMaterializeAssetEvaluation
from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType
from dagster._core.instance import MayHaveInstanceWeakref, T_DagsterInstance
from dagster._core.scheduler.instigation import (
from import AlembicVersion
from dagster._utils import PrintFn
[docs]class ScheduleStorage(abc.ABC, MayHaveInstanceWeakref[T_DagsterInstance]):
"""Abstract class for managing persistance of scheduler artifacts."""
def wipe(self) -> None:
"""Delete all schedules from storage."""
def all_instigator_state(
repository_origin_id: Optional[str] = None,
repository_selector_id: Optional[str] = None,
instigator_type: Optional[InstigatorType] = None,
instigator_statuses: Optional[Set[InstigatorStatus]] = None,
) -> Sequence[InstigatorState]:
"""Return all InstigationStates present in storage.
repository_origin_id (Optional[str]): The ExternalRepository target id to scope results to
repository_selector_id (Optional[str]): The repository selector id to scope results to
instigator_type (Optional[InstigatorType]): The InstigatorType to scope results to
instigator_statuses (Optional[Set[InstigatorStatus]]): The InstigatorStatuses to scope results to
def get_instigator_state(self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str) -> Optional[InstigatorState]:
"""Return the instigator state for the given id.
origin_id (str): The unique instigator identifier
selector_id (str): The logical instigator identifier
def add_instigator_state(self, state: InstigatorState) -> InstigatorState:
"""Add an instigator state to storage.
state (InstigatorState): The state to add
def update_instigator_state(self, state: InstigatorState) -> InstigatorState:
"""Update an instigator state in storage.
state (InstigatorState): The state to update
def delete_instigator_state(self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str) -> None:
"""Delete a state in storage.
origin_id (str): The id of the instigator target to delete
selector_id (str): The logical instigator identifier
def supports_batch_queries(self) -> bool:
return False
def get_batch_ticks(
selector_ids: Sequence[str],
limit: Optional[int] = None,
statuses: Optional[Sequence[TickStatus]] = None,
) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[InstigatorTick]]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_ticks(
origin_id: str,
selector_id: str,
before: Optional[float] = None,
after: Optional[float] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
statuses: Optional[Sequence[TickStatus]] = None,
) -> Sequence[InstigatorTick]:
"""Get the ticks for a given instigator.
origin_id (str): The id of the instigator target
selector_id (str): The logical instigator identifier
def create_tick(self, tick_data: TickData) -> InstigatorTick:
"""Add a tick to storage.
tick_data (TickData): The tick to add
def update_tick(self, tick: InstigatorTick) -> InstigatorTick:
"""Update a tick already in storage.
tick (InstigatorTick): The tick to update
def purge_ticks(
origin_id: str,
selector_id: str,
before: float,
tick_statuses: Optional[Sequence[TickStatus]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Wipe ticks for an instigator for a certain status and timestamp.
origin_id (str): The id of the instigator target to delete
selector_id (str): The logical instigator identifier
before (datetime): All ticks before this datetime will get purged
tick_statuses (Optional[List[TickStatus]]): The tick statuses to wipe
def supports_auto_materialize_asset_evaluations(self) -> bool:
return True
def add_auto_materialize_asset_evaluations(
evaluation_id: int,
asset_evaluations: Sequence[AutoMaterializeAssetEvaluation],
) -> None:
"""Add asset policy evaluations to storage."""
def get_auto_materialize_asset_evaluations(
self, asset_key: AssetKey, limit: int, cursor: Optional[int] = None
) -> Sequence[AutoMaterializeAssetEvaluationRecord]:
"""Get the policy evaluations for a given asset.
asset_key (AssetKey): The asset key to query
limit (Optional[int]): The maximum number of evaluations to return
cursor (Optional[int]): The cursor to paginate from
def purge_asset_evaluations(self, before: float) -> None:
"""Wipe evaluations before a certain timestamp.
before (datetime): All evaluations before this datetime will get purged
def upgrade(self) -> None:
"""Perform any needed migrations."""
def migrate(self, print_fn: Optional[PrintFn] = None, force_rebuild_all: bool = False) -> None:
"""Call this method to run any required data migrations."""
def optimize(self, print_fn: Optional[PrintFn] = None, force_rebuild_all: bool = False) -> None:
"""Call this method to run any optional data migrations for optimized reads."""
def optimize_for_webserver(self, statement_timeout: int, pool_recycle: int) -> None:
"""Allows for optimizing database connection / use in the context of a long lived webserver process."""
def alembic_version(self) -> Optional[AlembicVersion]:
return None
def dispose(self) -> None:
"""Explicit lifecycle management."""