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Source code for dagster_aws.secretsmanager.resources

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, cast

from dagster import (
    Field as LegacyDagsterField,
from dagster._config.field_utils import Shape
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import dagster_maintained_resource
from dagster._core.test_utils import environ
from dagster._utils.merger import merge_dicts
from pydantic import Field

from dagster_aws.utils import ResourceWithBoto3Configuration

from .secrets import construct_secretsmanager_client, get_secrets_from_arns, get_tagged_secrets

    import botocore

class SecretsManagerResource(ResourceWithBoto3Configuration):
    """Resource that gives access to AWS SecretsManager.

    The underlying SecretsManager session is created by calling
    :py:func:`boto3.session.Session(profile_name) <boto3:boto3.session>`.
    The returned resource object is a SecretsManager client, an instance of `botocore.client.SecretsManager`.

        .. code-block:: python

            from dagster import build_op_context, job, op
            from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import SecretsManagerResource

            def example_secretsmanager_op(secretsmanager: SecretsManagerResource):
                return secretsmanager.get_client().get_secret_value(

            def example_job():

            defs = Definitions(
                    'secretsmanager': SecretsManagerResource(

    def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_client(self) -> "botocore.client.SecretsManager":
        return construct_secretsmanager_client(

[docs]@dagster_maintained_resource @resource(SecretsManagerResource.to_config_schema()) def secretsmanager_resource(context) -> "botocore.client.SecretsManager": """Resource that gives access to AWS SecretsManager. The underlying SecretsManager session is created by calling :py:func:`boto3.session.Session(profile_name) <boto3:boto3.session>`. The returned resource object is a SecretsManager client, an instance of `botocore.client.SecretsManager`. Example: .. code-block:: python from dagster import build_op_context, job, op from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import secretsmanager_resource @op(required_resource_keys={'secretsmanager'}) def example_secretsmanager_op(context): return context.resources.secretsmanager.get_secret_value( SecretId='arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:appauthexample-AbCdEf' ) @job(resource_defs={'secretsmanager': secretsmanager_resource}) def example_job(): example_secretsmanager_op() example_job.execute_in_process( run_config={ 'resources': { 'secretsmanager': { 'config': { 'region_name': 'us-west-1', } } } } ) You may configure this resource as follows: .. code-block:: YAML resources: secretsmanager: config: region_name: "us-west-1" # Optional[str]: Specifies a custom region for the SecretsManager session. Default is chosen # through the ordinary boto credential chain. profile_name: "dev" # Optional[str]: Specifies a custom profile for SecretsManager session. Default is default # profile as specified in ~/.aws/credentials file """ return SecretsManagerResource.from_resource_context(context).get_client()
class SecretsManagerSecretsResource(ResourceWithBoto3Configuration): """Resource that provides a dict which maps selected SecretsManager secrets to their string values. Also optionally sets chosen secrets as environment variables. Example: .. code-block:: python import os from dagster import build_op_context, job, op, ResourceParam from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import SecretsManagerSecretsResource @op def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op(secrets: SecretsManagerSecretsResource): return secrets.fetch_secrets().get("my-secret-name") @op def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2(secrets: SecretsManagerSecretsResource): with secrets.secrets_in_environment(): return os.getenv("my-other-secret-name") @job def example_job(): example_secretsmanager_secrets_op() example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2() defs = Definitions( jobs=[example_job], resources={ 'secrets': SecretsManagerSecretsResource( region_name='us-west-1', secrets_tag="dagster", add_to_environment=True, ) } ) Note that your ops must also declare that they require this resource with or it will not be initialized for the execution of their compute functions. """ secrets: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="An array of AWS Secrets Manager secrets arns to fetch." ) secrets_tag: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="AWS Secrets Manager secrets with this tag will be fetched and made available.", ) @classmethod def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool: return True @contextmanager def secrets_in_environment( self, secrets: Optional[List[str]] = None, secrets_tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Generator[Dict[str, str], None, None]: """Yields a dict which maps selected SecretsManager secrets to their string values. Also sets chosen secrets as environment variables. Args: secrets (Optional[List[str]]): An array of AWS Secrets Manager secrets arns to fetch. Note that this will override the secrets specified in the resource config. secrets_tag (Optional[str]): AWS Secrets Manager secrets with this tag will be fetched and made available. Note that this will override the secrets_tag specified in the resource config. """ secrets_manager = construct_secretsmanager_client( max_attempts=self.max_attempts, region_name=self.region_name, profile_name=self.profile_name, ) secrets_tag_to_fetch = secrets_tag if secrets_tag is not None else self.secrets_tag secrets_to_fetch = secrets if secrets is not None else self.secrets secret_arns = merge_dicts( ( get_tagged_secrets(secrets_manager, [secrets_tag_to_fetch]) if secrets_tag_to_fetch else {} ), get_secrets_from_arns(secrets_manager, secrets_to_fetch), ) secrets_map = { name: secrets_manager.get_secret_value(SecretId=arn).get("SecretString") for name, arn in secret_arns.items() } with environ(secrets_map): yield secrets_map def fetch_secrets( self, secrets: Optional[List[str]] = None, secrets_tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Fetches secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and returns them as a dict. Args: secrets (Optional[List[str]]): An array of AWS Secrets Manager secrets arns to fetch. Note that this will override the secrets specified in the resource config. secrets_tag (Optional[str]): AWS Secrets Manager secrets with this tag will be fetched and made available. Note that this will override the secrets_tag specified in the resource config. """ with self.secrets_in_environment(secrets=secrets, secrets_tag=secrets_tag) as secret_values: return secret_values LEGACY_SECRETSMANAGER_SECRETS_SCHEMA = { **cast(Shape, SecretsManagerSecretsResource.to_config_schema().as_field().config_type).fields, "add_to_environment": LegacyDagsterField( bool, default_value=False, description="Whether to add the secrets to the environment. Defaults to False.", ), }
[docs]@dagster_maintained_resource @resource(config_schema=LEGACY_SECRETSMANAGER_SECRETS_SCHEMA) @contextmanager def secretsmanager_secrets_resource(context): """Resource that provides a dict which maps selected SecretsManager secrets to their string values. Also optionally sets chosen secrets as environment variables. Example: .. code-block:: python import os from dagster import build_op_context, job, op from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import secretsmanager_secrets_resource @op(required_resource_keys={'secrets'}) def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op(context): return context.resources.secrets.get("my-secret-name") @op(required_resource_keys={'secrets'}) def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2(context): return os.getenv("my-other-secret-name") @job(resource_defs={'secrets': secretsmanager_secrets_resource}) def example_job(): example_secretsmanager_secrets_op() example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2() example_job.execute_in_process( run_config={ 'resources': { 'secrets': { 'config': { 'region_name': 'us-west-1', 'secrets_tag': 'dagster', 'add_to_environment': True, } } } } ) Note that your ops must also declare that they require this resource with `required_resource_keys`, or it will not be initialized for the execution of their compute functions. You may configure this resource as follows: .. code-block:: YAML resources: secretsmanager: config: region_name: "us-west-1" # Optional[str]: Specifies a custom region for the SecretsManager session. Default is chosen # through the ordinary boto credential chain. profile_name: "dev" # Optional[str]: Specifies a custom profile for SecretsManager session. Default is default # profile as specified in ~/.aws/credentials file secrets: ["arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:appauthexample-AbCdEf"] # Optional[List[str]]: Specifies a list of secret ARNs to pull from SecretsManager. secrets_tag: "dagster" # Optional[str]: Specifies a tag, all secrets which have the tag set will be pulled # from SecretsManager. add_to_environment: true # Optional[bool]: Whether to set the selected secrets as environment variables. Defaults # to false. """ add_to_environment = context.resource_config.get("add_to_environment", False) if add_to_environment: with SecretsManagerSecretsResource.from_resource_context( context ).secrets_in_environment() as secrets: yield secrets else: yield SecretsManagerSecretsResource.from_resource_context(context).fetch_secrets()