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Source code for dagster_graphql.client.utils

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

[docs]class DagsterGraphQLClientError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, body=None): super().__init__(*args) self.body = body
[docs]class ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus(Enum): """This enum describes the status of a GraphQL mutation to reload a Dagster repository location. Args: Enum (str): can be either `ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus.SUCCESS` or `ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus.FAILURE`. """ SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" FAILURE = "FAILURE"
class ShutdownRepositoryLocationStatus(Enum): SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" FAILURE = "FAILURE"
[docs]class ReloadRepositoryLocationInfo(NamedTuple): """This class gives information about the result of reloading a Dagster repository location with a GraphQL mutation. Args: status (ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus): The status of the reload repository location mutation failure_type: (Optional[str], optional): the failure type if `status == ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus.FAILURE`. Can be one of `ReloadNotSupported`, `RepositoryLocationNotFound`, or `RepositoryLocationLoadFailure`. Defaults to None. message (Optional[str], optional): the failure message/reason if `status == ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus.FAILURE`. Defaults to None. """ status: ReloadRepositoryLocationStatus failure_type: Optional[str] = None message: Optional[str] = None
class ShutdownRepositoryLocationInfo(NamedTuple): """This class gives information about the result of shutting down the server for a Dagster repository location using a GraphQL mutation. Args: status (ShutdownRepositoryLocationStatus) Whether the shutdown succeeded or failed. message (Optional[str], optional): the failure message/reason if `status == ShutdownRepositoryLocationStatus.FAILURE`. Defaults to None. """ status: ShutdownRepositoryLocationStatus message: Optional[str] = None class JobInfo(NamedTuple): repository_location_name: str repository_name: str job_name: str @staticmethod def from_node(node: Dict[str, Any]) -> List["JobInfo"]: repo_name = node["name"] repo_location_name = node["location"]["name"] return [ JobInfo( repository_location_name=repo_location_name, repository_name=repo_name, job_name=job["name"], ) for job in node["pipelines"] ]
[docs]class InvalidOutputErrorInfo(NamedTuple): """This class gives information about an InvalidOutputError from submitting a pipeline for execution from GraphQL. Args: step_key (str): key of the step that failed invalid_output_name (str): the name of the invalid output from the given step """ step_key: str invalid_output_name: str