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Source code for dagster_msteams.resources

from dagster import ConfigurableResource, resource
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import dagster_maintained_resource
from pydantic import Field

from dagster_msteams.client import TeamsClient

class MSTeamsResource(ConfigurableResource):
    """This resource is for connecting to Microsoft Teams.

    Provides a `dagster_msteams.TeamsClient` which can be used to
    interface with the MS Teams API.

    By configuring this resource, you can post messages to MS Teams from any Dagster op,
    asset, schedule, or sensor:

        .. code-block:: python

            import os

            from dagster import op, job, Definitions, EnvVar
            from dagster_msteams import Card, MSTeamsResource

            def teams_op(msteams: MSTeamsResource):
                card = Card()
                card.add_attachment(text_message="Hello There !!")

            def teams_job():

            defs = Definitions(
                    "msteams": MSTeamsResource(

    hook_url: str = Field(
            "To send messages to MS Teams channel, an incoming webhook has to be created. The"
            " incoming webhook url must be given as a part of the resource config to the"
            " MSTeamsResource in Dagster. For more information on how to create an incoming"
            " webhook, see"
    http_proxy: str = Field(default=None, description="HTTP proxy URL")
    https_proxy: str = Field(default=None, description="HTTPS proxy URL")
    timeout: float = Field(default=60, description="Timeout for requests to MS Teams")
    verify: bool = Field(
        default=True, description="Whether to verify SSL certificates, defaults to True"

    def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_client(self) -> TeamsClient:
        return TeamsClient(

[docs]@dagster_maintained_resource @resource( config_schema=MSTeamsResource.to_config_schema(), description="This resource is for connecting to MS Teams", ) def msteams_resource(context) -> TeamsClient: """This resource is for connecting to Microsoft Teams. The resource object is a `dagster_msteams.TeamsClient`. By configuring this resource, you can post messages to MS Teams from any Dagster solid: Examples: .. code-block:: python import os from dagster import op, job from dagster_msteams import Card, msteams_resource @op(required_resource_keys={"msteams"}) def teams_op(context): card = Card() card.add_attachment(text_message="Hello There !!") context.resources.msteams.post_message(payload=card.payload) @job(resource_defs={"msteams": msteams_resource}) def teams_job(): teams_op() teams_job.execute_in_process( {"resources": {"msteams": {"config": {"hook_url": os.getenv("TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL")}}}} ) """ return MSTeamsResource.from_resource_context(context).get_client()