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Source code for dagster_wandb.resources

from typing import Any, Dict

import wandb
from dagster import Field, InitResourceContext, String, StringSource, resource
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import dagster_maintained_resource
from wandb.sdk.internal.internal_api import Api


[docs]@dagster_maintained_resource @resource( config_schema={ "api_key": Field( StringSource, description="W&B API key necessary to communicate with the W&B API.", is_required=True, ), "host": Field( String, description=( "API host server you wish to use. Only required if you are using W&B Server." ), is_required=False, default_value=WANDB_CLOUD_HOST, ), }, description="Resource for interacting with Weights & Biases", ) def wandb_resource(context: InitResourceContext) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dagster resource used to communicate with the W&B API. It's useful when you want to use the wandb client within your ops and assets. It's a required resources if you are using the W&B IO Manager. It automatically authenticates using the provided API key. For a complete set of documentation, see `Dagster integration <>`_. To configure this resource, we recommend using the `configured <>`_ method. **Example:** .. code-block:: python from dagster import job from dagster_wandb import wandb_resource my_wandb_resource = wandb_resource.configured({"api_key": {"env": "WANDB_API_KEY"}}) @job(resource_defs={"wandb_resource": my_wandb_resource}) def my_wandb_job(): ... """ api_key = context.resource_config["api_key"] host = context.resource_config["host"] wandb.login( key=api_key, host=host, anonymous="never", ) client_settings = wandb.Settings( api_key=api_key, base_url=host, anonymous="never", launch=True, ) api = Api(default_settings=client_settings, load_settings=False) return {"sdk": wandb, "api": api, "host": host}