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Source code for dagster_wandb.utils.errors

[docs]class WandbArtifactsIOManagerError(Exception): """Represents an execution error of the W&B Artifacts IO Manager.""" def __init__(self, message="A W&B Artifacts IO Manager error occurred."): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
SUPPORTED_READ_CONFIG_KEYS = [ "alias", "get_path", "get", "name", "partitions", "version", ] SUPPORTED_WRITE_CONFIG_KEYS = [ "add_dirs", "add_files", "add_references", "aliases", "description", "name", "partitions", "serialization_module", "type", ] SUPPORTED_PARTITION_CONFIG_KEYS = ["get", "get_path", "version", "alias"] def raise_on_empty_configuration(partition_key, dictionary): if dictionary is not None and len(dictionary) == 0: raise WandbArtifactsIOManagerError( f"The configuration is empty for the partition identified by the key '{partition_key}'." " This happened within the 'wandb_artifact_configuration' metadata dictionary." ) def raise_on_unknown_keys(supported_config_keys, dictionary, is_read_config): if dictionary is None: return unsupported_keys = [key for key in dictionary.keys() if key not in supported_config_keys] if len(unsupported_keys) > 0: if is_read_config: raise WandbArtifactsIOManagerError( f"The configuration keys '{unsupported_keys}' you are trying to use are not" " supported within the 'wandb_artifact_configuration' metadata dictionary when" " reading an Artifact." ) else: raise WandbArtifactsIOManagerError( f"The configuration keys '{unsupported_keys}' you are trying to use are not" " supported within the 'wandb_artifact_configuration' metadata dictionary when" " writing an Artifact." ) def raise_on_unknown_write_configuration_keys(dictionary): raise_on_unknown_keys(SUPPORTED_WRITE_CONFIG_KEYS, dictionary, False) def raise_on_unknown_read_configuration_keys(dictionary): raise_on_unknown_keys(SUPPORTED_READ_CONFIG_KEYS, dictionary, True) def raise_on_unknown_partition_keys(partition_key, dictionary): if dictionary is None: return unsupported_keys = [ key for key in dictionary.keys() if key not in SUPPORTED_PARTITION_CONFIG_KEYS ] if len(unsupported_keys) > 0: raise WandbArtifactsIOManagerError( f"The configuration keys '{unsupported_keys}' you are trying to use are not supported" f" for the partition identified by the key '{partition_key}'. This happened within the" " 'wandb_artifact_configuration' metadata dictionary." )