If a sensor evaluation doesn't yield any run requests, it can instead yield a skip reason to log why the evaluation was skipped or why there were no events to be processed.
The decorator used to define an asset sensor. The decorated function is an evaluation function that takes in a SensorEvaluationContext and an asset materialization event. The decorator returns an AssetSensorDefinition
A special sensor definition class for asset sensors. You almost never want to use initialize this class directly. Instead, you should use the @asset_sensor which returns a AssetSensorDefinition
The decorator used to define a freshness policy sensor. The decorated function is an evaluation function that takes in a FreshnessPolicySensorContext. The decorator returns a FreshnessPolicySensorDefinition
A special sensor definition class for freshness policy sensors. You almost never want to use initialize this class directly. Instead, you should use the @freshness_policy_sensor which returns a FreshnessPolicySensorDefinition
The decorator used to define an asset sensor that can monitor multiple assets at a time. The decorated function is an evaluation function that takes in a MultiAssetSensorEvaluationContext which has methods to fetch materialization events for the monitored assets. The decorator returns an MultiAssetSensorDefinition
A special sensor definition class for multi asset sensors. You almost never want to use initialize this class directly. Instead, you should use the @multi_asset_sensor which returns a MultiAssetSensorDefinition
An asset sensor checks for new AssetMaterialization events for a particular asset key. This can be used to kick off a job that computes downstream assets or notifies appropriate stakeholders.
One benefit of this pattern is that it enables cross-job and even cross-code-location dependencies. Each job run instigated by an asset sensor is agnostic to the job that caused it.
Dagster provides a special asset sensor definition format for sensors that fire a single RunRequest based on a single asset materialization. Here is an example of a sensor that generates a RunRequest for every materialization for the asset key my_table:
A freshness policy sensor checks the freshness of a given selection of assets on each tick, and performs some action in response to that status.
FreshnessPolicySensorContext has a current_minutes_late property, specifying how many minutes late the asset is with respect to its FreshnessPolicy, as well as previous_minutes_late, the number of minutes late that asset was on the previous sensor tick. Each tick, the decorated function will be run for each asset within the asset_selection that has a FreshnessPolicy defined.
Currently, freshness policy sensors do not support returning or yielding values (such as RunRequests) from their execution function.
Here is an example of a sensor that will send a single alert once an asset is 10 minutes later than its configured policy allows, and a single alert once that asset is on time again.
from dagster import FreshnessPolicySensorContext, freshness_policy_sensor
@freshness_policy_sensor(asset_selection=AssetSelection.all())defmy_freshness_alerting_sensor(context: FreshnessPolicySensorContext):if context.minutes_overdue isNoneor context.previous_minutes_overdue isNone:returnif context.minutes_overdue >=10and context.previous_minutes_overdue <10:
send_alert(f"Asset with key {context.asset_key} is now more than 10 minutes overdue.")elif context.minutes_overdue ==0and context.previous_minutes_overdue >=10:
send_alert(f"Asset with key {context.asset_key} is now on time.")
Multi-asset sensors, which can trigger job executions based on multiple asset materialization event streams, can be handled using the @multi_asset_sensor decorator.
In the body of the sensor, you have access to the materialization event records for each asset via the MultiAssetSensorEvaluationContext context object. Methods within the context object will search for events after the cursor.
Note the context.advance_all_cursors call near the end of the sensor. The cursor helps keep track of which materialization events have been processed by the sensor so that the next time the sensor runs, only newer events are fetched. Since multi_asset_sensors provide flexibility to determine what conditions should result in RunRequests, the sensor must manually update the cursor if a RunRequest is returned.
You can also return a SkipReason to document why the sensor didn't launch a run.
monitored_assets=[AssetKey("asset_a"), AssetKey("asset_b")],
asset_events = context.latest_materialization_records_by_key()ifall(asset_events.values()):
context.advance_all_cursors()return RunRequest()elifany(asset_events.values()):
materialized_asset_key_strs =[
key.to_user_string()for key, value in asset_events.items()if value
not_materialized_asset_key_strs =[
key.to_user_string()for key, value in asset_events.items()ifnot value
]return SkipReason(f"Observed materializations for {materialized_asset_key_strs}, "f"but not for {not_materialized_asset_key_strs}")
Triggering runs upon partitioned materializations#
The example below monitors two assets with the same daily partitions definition. Whenever both monitored assets have an unconsumed materialization for a given partition, the sensor kicks off a run for that partition.
Notice the context.advance_cursor call marks specific materializations as consumed. In future context calls, these materializations will not be returned.
At the end of each tick, the cursor object evaluates the set of consumed materializations. For each monitored asset, the cursor automatically stores:
latest_consumed_event_id, the ID of the newest materialization that was marked as consumed.
trailing_unconsumed_partitioned_event_ids, the newest unconsumed event ID for up to 25 partitions of each asset. All of these events must be partitioned and older than the latest_consumed_event_id event for the asset.
The events in trailing_unconsumed_partitioned_event_ids will appear in future context calls until they are marked as consumed via a call to advance_cursor. A call to advance_all_cursors will also mark all existing events as consumed.
The following example monitors two upstream daily-partitioned assets, kicking off materializations of the corresponding partition in the downstream daily-partitioned asset. After a partition has been materialized for both upstream assets, the downstream asset can then be materialized and the sensor kicks off a partitioned run. Thereafter, whenever either upstream partition has a new materialization, the sensor will yield a run request for the downstream asset.
run_requests =[]for(
materializations_by_asset,)in context.latest_materialization_records_by_partition_and_asset().items():ifall([
context.all_partitions_materialized(asset_key,[partition])for asset_key in context.asset_keys
run_requests.append(RunRequest(partition_key=partition))for asset_key, materialization in materializations_by_asset.items():if asset_key in context.asset_keys:
context.advance_cursor({asset_key: materialization})return run_requests
Looking for more? The examples section features another example of updating a weekly asset when upstream daily assets are materialized.
Monitoring daily assets to materialize a weekly asset using a multi_asset_sensor#
The functionality demonstrated by this custom sensor is identical to the functionality provided by eager AutoMaterializePolicys. However, this example provides a starting point for those wishing to customize this behavior beyond what the pre-built sensor supports.
The following code example monitors an upstream daily-partitioned asset, kicking off materializations of a downstream weekly-partitioned asset whenever a daily partition is materialized and all daily partitions in the week have existing materializations. Every time a daily partition has a new materialization, the weekly partition will materialize.
MultiAssetSensorEvaluationContext.all_partitions_materialized is a utility method accepts a list of partitions and checks if every provided partition has been materialized. This method ignores the cursor, so it searches through all existing materializations.
If the PartitionsDefinition of the monitored assets differs from the triggered asset, you can use the MultiAssetSensorEvaluationContext.get_downstream_partition_keys method to map a partition key from one asset to another. This method accepts a partition key from the upstream asset and uses the existing PartitionMapping object on the downstream asset to fetch the corresponding partitions in the downstream asset.
If a partition mapping is not defined, Dagster will use the default partition mapping, which is the TimeWindowPartitionMapping for time window partitions definitions and the IdentityPartitionMapping for other partitions definitions. The TimeWindowPartitionMapping will map an upstream partition to the downstream partitions that overlap with it.
monitored_assets=[AssetKey("upstream_daily_1")], job=weekly_asset_job
run_requests_by_partition ={}
materializations_by_partition = context.latest_materialization_records_by_partition(
AssetKey("upstream_daily_1"))# Get all corresponding weekly partitions for any materialized daily partitionsfor partition, materialization in materializations_by_partition.items():
weekly_partitions = context.get_downstream_partition_keys(
to_asset_key=AssetKey("downstream_weekly_asset"),)if weekly_partitions:# Check that a downstream weekly partition exists# Upstream daily partition can only map to at most one downstream weekly partition
daily_partitions_in_week = context.get_downstream_partition_keys(
to_asset_key=AssetKey("upstream_daily_1"),)if context.all_partitions_materialized(
AssetKey("upstream_daily_1"), daily_partitions_in_week
run_requests_by_partition[weekly_partitions[0]]= RunRequest(
partition_key=weekly_partitions[0])# Advance the cursor so we only check event log records past the cursor
context.advance_cursor({AssetKey("upstream_daily_1"): materialization})returnlist(run_requests_by_partition.values())