The workspace value of the Helm chart provides the ability to add configuration for all jobs that are spun up by the agent, across all repositories. To add secrets or mounted volumes to all Kubernetes Pods, you can specify your desired configuration under this value.
Additionally, the imagePullSecrets value allows you to specify a list of secrets that should be included when pulling the images for your containers.
When adding a code location to Dagster Cloud with a Kubernetes agent, you can use the container_context key on the location configuration to add additional Kubernetes-specific configuration. If you're using the Dagster Cloud Github action, the container_context key can also be set for each location in your dagster_cloud.yaml file, using the same format.
The following example dagster_cloud.yaml file illustrates the available fields:
# dagster_cloud.yamllocations:-location_name: cloud-examples
image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest
code_source:package_name: dagster_cloud_examples
container_context:k8s:env_config_maps:- my_config_map
env_secrets:- my_secret
env_vars:- FOO_ENV_VAR=foo_value
image_pull_policy: Always
image_pull_secrets:-name: my_image_pull_secret
labels:my_label_key: my_label_value
namespace: my_k8s_namespace
service_account_name: my_service_account_name
volume_mounts:-mount_path: /opt/dagster/test_mount_path/volume_mounted_file.yaml
name: test-volume
sub_path: volume_mounted_file.yaml
volumes:-name: test-volume
config_map:name: test-volume-configmap
server_k8s_config:# Raw kubernetes config for code servers launched by the agentpod_spec_config:node_selector:disktype: standard
container_config:resources:limits:cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
run_k8s_config:# Raw kubernetes config for runs launched by the agentpod_spec_config:node_selector:disktype: ssd
container_config:resources:limits:cpu: 500m
memory: 1024Mi
Using the container_context.k8s.env_vars and container_context.k8s.env_secrets properties, you can specify environment variables and secrets for a specific code location. For example:
A list of environment variable names to inject into the job, formatted as KEY or KEY=VALUE. If only KEY is specified, the value will be pulled from the current process.
A list of secret names, from which environment variables for a job are drawn using envFrom. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more info.
Refer to the following guides for more info about environment variables:
To add configuration to specific Dagster jobs, ops, or assets, use the dagster-k8s/config tag. For example, to specify that a job should have certain resource limits when it runs. Refer to Customizing your Kubernetes deployment for Dagster Open Source for more info.
Starting in 0.14.0, the provided image offers a non-root user with id 1001. To run the agent with this user, you can specify the dagsterCloudAgent value in the Helm chart to be: